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I'm going to Thailand. I heard that Thailand is a good place for fun. So next Monday I will go there with my family.

We will stay there for four days. We will go shopping, take photos, eat delicious food and climb mountains. I think that must be very interesting.

I hope that day will come soon, because I can't wait for you to go where.




On December, when the sea suddenly disappeared and people were still indulging in the joy of Christmas, a strong earthquake in Indonesia immediately triggered a strong tsunami. Phuket Island, a famous tourist resort in Thailand, which is known as a paradise on earth, has been rescued from the disaster and turned into a hell on earth. This originally peaceful Christmas holiday, when some people just passed away from death When the tourists chatted, it became a shadow of no for the experience at that time, they had not recovered from the shock. Here is the terrible experience of a female journalist: on June, the sea suddenly disappeared. Yi Linyang, a female reporter of the Straits Times, and her husband were on holiday in Phuket Island before the , they were diving in the monkey beach and were preparing to leave by boat. Strangely, they saw that the sea disappeared The sea suddenly disappeared. The boat ran aground in the was a diving fish here. No one had seen it before. Everyone was scared out of their didn't wake up. The sea water surged forward and came back. Huge waves came straight from a distant Linyang's heart was still fluttering in fear. She said, _we run as fast as we can. No one knows how far the sea will see, this is the Indonesian sea The first place to scream.中文翻译:12月日,当大海突然消失,人们还在沉迷于圣诞节的快乐时,印尼发生的强烈地震,一下子就引发了强烈的海啸,素有人间天堂美誉的泰国著名旅游胜地普吉岛,在这场灾难中被救出的人们变成了人间地狱,这个原本平静的圣诞假期,当一些刚刚从死亡擦身而过的游客聊天时,却成了一道不入流的阴影关于当时的经历,他们还没有从惊吓中恢复过来,这里有一位女报人的可怕经历:月日,海洋突然消失,海峡时报的女记者易林阳在海啸来临前和丈夫在普吉岛度假,他们却在猴滩潜水正准备乘船离开,奇怪的是,他们看到大海突然消失了,船在芦苇丛中搁浅,这里有跳鱼,以前没人见过,大家都吓得魂飞魄散,大家都没有惊醒过来,海水汹涌向前冲了回来,巨大的波涛从遥远的地方直冲而来,易琳阳的心还在恐惧中扑腾,她说:我们拼命地跑,没人知道海水会追多远你看这是印尼海啸的第一个地点。


This is my first day in Chiang Mai. After breakfast, we took a walk in the garden outside the hotel. It was warm here.

Then we took a bus to a market where there were many shops and sellers. We bought some Thai food. The next day, it tasted good.

We visited some famous temples in Chiang Mai. They showed the history and culture of Thailand to tourists. After that, we took many pictures of temples.

We went to a gift shop and spent one there After more than hours, I saw many interesting gifts. I bought a beautiful strap for my friend. My trip in Chiang MIA was really enjoyable.

I look forward to visiting the city again.




In terms of the development of tourism, with the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy, thousands of foreign tourists have poured into China. First of all, tourism has brought a lot of benefits to China. It enables the Chinese people to know more about the outside world and promote borrowing and understanding.

Secondly, it is economically conducive to China's modernization and needs more foreign exchange, but there are also some problems in the tourism industry, There are many uncivilized phenomena in attracting tourists. Due to the serious heritage damage caused by overcrowding, some tourists spit everywhere, which also brings a burden to our inefficient transportation system. In addition, the living standard of ordinary Chinese is still not high, and they can not afford all kinds of expenses for long-distance travel.

Therefore, with the development of China's national economy, these problems will be solved gradually, and a better and brighter future awaits us.




Thailand is the geographical center of Southeast Asia, and the infamous golden is located in the northernmost part of the country and borders Laos and Myanmar (Myanmar has a population of 10000, of which the vast majority are Thais. Ethnic minorities such as China, Malaysia, Khmer, Mengsi and various mountain tribes also live in Thailand. In addition, tens of thousands of refugees from Southeast Asia in border refugee camps are more troublesome The country.

Buddhism is the main religion in Thailand. Although various tribal religions continue to be practiced, Thai is the main language in Thailand, although a considerable number of people speak Lao, Chinese, Malay and English.




This is my first day in Chiang Mai. After breakfast, we took a walk in the garden outside the hotel. It's warm here.

Then we went to a market by bus. There are lots of shops and sellers there. We bought some Thai food.

The next day, we went to visit the temple. There are some famous temples in Chiang Mai that show visitors the history and culture of Thailand. After that, we went to a gift shop, where we spent more than an hour and saw many interesting gifts.

I bought a beautiful strap for my friend's trip in Chiang Mai. I look forward to visiting the city again.







On December 12, when people are still addicted to the happiness of Christmas, a strong earthquake occurred in Indonesia. In a flash, Phuket, a famous tourist resort in Thailand, has become a hell in the world. For people rescued from this disaster, this essentially peaceful Christmas holiday is like an endless shadow Some tourists who have just passed away from death have not recovered from the terrible experience when they talk about the experience at that : Ocean day suddenly disappeared. Yi Linyang, a female reporter of straits times, and her husband were on holiday in Phuket Island. Before the tsunami, they were diving in Houzi , when they were ready to leave by boat, their husbands were in Phuket What's strange is that they saw the sea disappear suddenly, the boat ran aground in the reeds, and there were jumping fish. Nobody had seen it before. Everyone was scared out of their of a sudden, all of them didn't realize what had happened. The sea water rushed up and came back. The huge waves came 's heart was still shaking in the distant place. She said: we ran out of despair What's more, no one knows how far the water will go. What you see is the first site of the tsunami in Indonesia.中文翻译:12月12日,当人们还在沉迷于圣诞节的幸福时,发生在印度尼西亚的强烈地震,一转眼间,泰国著名的旅游胜地普吉岛,在人间享有天堂美誉的普吉岛就变成了地狱在地球上,对于从这场灾难中获救的人们来说,这个本质上平静的圣诞假期就像是一片无尽的阴影,当一些刚刚从死亡擦身而过的游客谈起当时的经历时,他们还没有从这可怕的经历中恢复过来女士:海洋月日突然不见了,海峡时报的女记者易琳阳和丈夫在普吉岛度假,海啸来临前,她们正在猴子滩潜水,然而,当她们准备乘船离开时,她们的丈夫们正在普吉岛度假奇怪的是,他们看到大海突然消失了,船在芦苇丛中搁浅,这里有跳跃的鱼,以前没有人看到过,所有人都吓得魂飞魄散,突然所有人都没有意识到发生了什么事,海水冲了上来,又冲了回来,巨浪直冲而来遥远的地方依林阳的心还在颤抖,她说:我们跑了绝望的是,没有人会知道海水会追多远你看到的是印度尼西亚海啸的第一个地点。


Where is im from China? How are you / how are you / very well, thank you / I'm fine. Nice to meet you. Thank you very much / thank you for your help / welcome.

Of course I'm sorry to disturb you. Please don't mind / it's OK. Have a good trip.

I can't speak Thai. Can you speak English or Chinese? My English is too bad. I can speak a little English.

I can't understand you. Can you speak more slowly? Please say it again in English Can you help me write some places in Thai? Thank you very much. This is my first time to Thailand.

Thailand is a beautiful country. I'm just a tourist. How much do I want to buy this / how much is this / how much is too expensive in total? It's too expensive for me.

What's the lower price? Do you have something cheaper? What's the last price? Can you give me a paper bag? May I have a try? I've paid. I'm just looking. Thank you.

Can I pay the change here? I'm sorry, I can ask some people I don't know how to go wrong. I don't know how to get there. What's the best way to get there? Can you show me the name of the street on the map? Can I walk down? Can I walk there? How can I get there? Which way should I take? Where is the bus stop / station / railway station / Airport / / where is the toilet? Where is the MRT? Where is the toilet? Please use the meter to take me to this address.

Could you please drive slowly? I'm afraid to stop here and ask for immigration duty-free goods passport control exit passenger card the passenger card being processed customs declaration card currency declaration card is valid (I feel sick, I have a cold and can't sleep well) I have a fever and diarrhea. Is there a drugstore nearby? There is a doctor who can speak Chinese in the nearby hospital. What medicine do you have? I will call the police.

Where is the police station.

