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No one can find the real answer to what true love is. Most of the time we find out _Oh, I really like or love him or her_, but the fact is that you just want to go to him / her. Why most of us want beautiful men? It's so obvious why most of us want rich people.

They're not about love, so true love is fake.




There are several reasons why most people can't learn English well. First of all, without a good English learning environment, most of us can only practice and learn English by ourselves. There are not too many learning opportunities in our life.

Second, some English learners only learn English for examination. Third, some English teachers don't have standard English accent. That's why students There is a big difference between Chinese unciation and English unciation, which leads to the difficulty of English writing.

Fifthly, in the teaching process, we are told to practice listening, reading and writing, but don't speak, which is why some of us are not good at speaking English.




Thailand is a Buddhist country. Its changeable scenery and rich cultural connotation have become a unique choice for many tourists in their holiday plans. Thailand is known as the _hometown of Buddhism_, _hometown of elephant_ and _hometown of smile_.

From November to January of the next year is the best tourist season in Thailand. The temple buildings of thousand Buddha kingdom in Thailand will be on the 4th of next month, which is a smiling national island The island is a big tourist country with rich tourism resources and many scenic spots. The main tourist attractions are Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai and Pattaya, Qinglai, Huaxin, gossamei and a number of new tourist attractions, which are developing rapidly and attracting many foreign tourists.

